UMA Global Foods


A database for the botanically curious


Fiber: An unsung hero, our gut bacteria loves!

Dietary Fiber is actually a complex carbohydrate and can be thought of as a macronutrient along with carbohydrates, protein, fat and water. The only big difference is, it is not absorbed by the body. Typically, our body converts 100% of the carbs from the

Know your Fats!

Fat is an essential nutrient because it is the building block of all cell membranes, muscle movement and the protective shield around the nerves and helps us absorb vitamins in our food.

Fasting and its health benefits

You’ve probably heard the hype; fasting is the new secret to weight loss. While there is credible science, it’s not a quick fix nor guarantee. Neither is there one sure-fire method to doing it right. However, the benefits are plenty; delayed onset of Type

Maximising the goodness of fruit juices

There’s no doubt that fruits are essential for overall wellness, so wouldn’t it naturally mean that drinking them would be just as beneficial? And the anecdotal evidence of juice cleanses sounds compelling; glowing skin, weight loss, lowered inflammation,

Sodium & Potassium – Fraternal twins, alike yet different

Sodium and Potassium form an electrolyte partnership that regulates blood & fluid volume in our body. Where potassium helps maintain fluid content inside cell walls, sodium is necessary for fluid regulation outside cell walls. This difference in pressure

Green Gram

Green gram is rich in fiber and low on calories ma…


Chickpea is an iron source and is an effective cle…

Black Gram

A source of fiber, black gram is believed to preve…

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