Bone Health & Nutrition

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Blog > Bone Health & Nutrition

Bone Health & Nutrition

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Bone Health & Nutrition  Collagen, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin D are each crucial for bone health as we age. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body that forms the scaffolding that gives our body its structure and strength. Calcium homeostasis is an even distribution of Calcium in the bones and is crucial for skeletal health. This process is aided by Phosphorus and Vitamin D that ensures the absorption of Calcium in our body.

Vitamin C, amino acids, zinc and Copper are required for pro-collagen, the precursor to the protein collagen. So, here is a bone friendly menu instead of mere supplements.

Grains: Whole grains & pseudo grains, millets. They are mineral rich and have some important amino acids that aid collagen production.

Beans are rich in amino acids and copper. Pick the bean of your choice (kidney beans, navy beans, black beans, etc.). So now you have your rice & Beans!

Vegetables: Pick chlorophyll rich green leafies like spinach, kale and salad greens.

Fruits: Tomatoes, berries, guavas, citrus (like grapefruit)

Nuts: Cashews. They are zinc and copper rich

A word of caution: Excess Vitamin A is not necessarily a friend and has been known to make bones fragile. So avoid excess orange and yellow vegetables

Osteoporosis or ‘porous bone’ is linked to nutrient-deficient diets

Osteoporosis is degenerative, reducing bone density, mass and strength as we age. It need not be so. Diets rich in calcium & Vit D strengthen bones, as do magnesium, Vit K, Zinc, potassium, Vit C. These nutrients are found in fresh green vegetables, spinach, soya, dairy, bananas, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits. We need to start eating these from childhood to stave off osteoporosis in later years.

Plant-based alternatives of calcium for bone health

While we often associate calcium with milk and milk products, it’s worth getting familiar with non-dairy sources of calcium seeing that up to two-thirds of the world are lactose intolerant. 1 cup of dairy milk provides 300mg of calcium (30% D.V.). Here are some alternatives to get the same amount of calcium; 3 tablespoons of sesame seeds, 1 cup of white beans, 1 ½ cups cooked collard greens, 1 cup amaranth leaves, ? cup cooked tofu. On top of that, these plant-based options are full of other minerals and vitamins for overall wellness!

Rheumatoid arthritis: auto-immune condition causing painful inflammation
This disorder begins with painfully swollen joints and leads to inflammation in other organs. We can, however, adopt the right diet to combat this systemic inflammation. Omega3-rich foods like walnuts or flaxseed convert to resolvin, a compound that puts the brakes on inflammation. Whole grains, fiber-rich veggies keep the gut healthy and reduce inflammation, as do anti-oxidants like Vit A, C & E found in fruits & vegetables.

Prunes & Raisins: everyday superfoods against osteoporosis
Green leafy veggies & fruits are good for bone health, but let’s also consider the humble prune and raisin. Several studies reveal that the high levels of special phenolic compounds like IGF-1 in these two dried fruits actively fight bone degeneration. Prunes & raisins are also high in antioxidants, calcium, boron & potassium, which are defenders of your bones. They make good snacks too, so include them in your daily diet. 

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Obesity: Let’s not be alarmist but get the facts right

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Blog > Obesity: Let’s not be alarmist but get the facts right

Obesity: Let’s not be alarmist but get the facts right

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faObesity: Let’s not be alarmist but get the facts right 

There is too much alarmist surround sound on obesity. Yes, it can be problematic but before we jump to “cure” here’s some good news. Recent research shows there is no increased risk of mortality from obesity if other metabolic factors are in check, like BP, blood sugar, cholesterol. The risk of obesity related complications are further mitigated by exercise.

But there are good reasons to deal with obesity, not the least of which is we are all really pleased and happy when we lose weight! We know diet choices are major factors for weight regulation. Some are obvious like overeating, snack and dessert binging, excess process foods and irregular regime. But others are counter-intuitive. For instance even small excesses of fruits, nuts, grains and saturated fats can add pounds.

Our bodies behave differently to the same food groups given our unique metabolism. So good record keeping of cause & effect of food and impact on weight is a good starting point.

Join us today on a journey of some interesting factoids on food groups and how they can help deal with obesity.

Busting the “Wheat Belly”

Grains are often thought of as the primary contributor to weight gain, and the first to go in low-carb and keto diets. Studies have shown that whole-grain diets actually help reduce weight; the fibers help you stay sated so you eat less overall. Steel cut oats are a great addition to your diet – the minimal processing results in a lower glycemic index than instant oats. To reduce the long cook time, simply soak ahead.

Fruits contain fructose, so select carefully for a weight-loss diet

Fructose is a sugar, so plan wisely if on a weight-loss plan. Fiber-rich fruits like plums, pears, apples, berries, papaya will slow sugar absorption, creating satiety quickly. Antioxidant-rich citrus fruits help metabolize fat fast. For those tackling obesity, the avoidable fruits are bananas, mangoes, avocados, which add on sugar & fat. The worst is fruit juice, which is pure fructose and no fiber.

Legumes: a fiber and protein packed way to lose weight

Rich in protein & fibre, low in calories and fats, lentils & beans help in weight loss. They lower blood pressure, reduce tummy fat, improve regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol. Their dense fibre binds and excretes cholesterol from the gut. If beans give you bloating & heaviness, choose lighter beans like black-eyed peas or mung, or even sprout them.

Nuts and obesity: much healthier for weight loss than other snacks 

Decades of clinical studies showed that calories from nuts do not cause weight gain compared to the same calories derived from cakes, candy or soda. Nuts provide heart-healthy fats and also boost fat burning in the system, leading to negligible calories. Walnuts and almonds are particularly beneficial to tackle obesity and heart health. But if watching your calories, eat them dry roasted or raw. And leave out the salt.

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Sprouts: Wannabe plants that are delicious and nutritional powerpacks

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Blog > Sprouts: Wannabe plants that are delicious and nutritional powerpacks

Sprouts: Wannabe plants that are delicious and nutritional powerpacks

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Sprouts: Wannabe plants that are delicious and nutritional powerpacks
For conceiving and contributing majorly to today’s newsletter we wish to acknowledge Karthik Rajan, Co-Founder and CEO of LivFresh

What are Sprouts?

Sprouts are seeds that have just begun to grow and aren’t quite plants yet. They tend to be calorie light and nutrient dense. Grains, legumes, nuts and some vegetables can be sprouted to unleash their nutritional magic

Medicinally and nutritionally, sprouts have a long history. Ancient Chinese & Indian physicians recognized and prescribed sprouts for curing many disorders over 5,000 years ago. They are specifically known for their high density of vitamins and nutrients, rapid growth, and resilience in adverse weather conditions. In fact, Capt. James Cook, the storied voyager, famously created a regimen of lemons and varieties of sprouts to help his sailors overcome scurvy (lack of Vitamin C) during their long voyages.

Grains: brown rice, alfalfa, rye, millets and oats are examples of grains that can be sprouted. The protein and fat when sprouted are converted to the component amino acid and fatty acids and hence increase bioavailability.

Legumes: Beans, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, lima beans are popular sprouts. They are proven to increase HDL (the good cholesterol) and lower LDL (the bad guy).

Vegetables: Broccoli, radish, snow peas, red cabbage all have high nutritional & medicinal values and are known as a good cover against several cancers, cardiovascular health, and even some form of asthmas.

Not only are they nutrition-dense, but they also make it easier for our body to receive it.

Inside the seed’s outer shell (the bran), the plant embryo (the germ) relies on the seed’s endosperm — the starchy food supply — to fuel its growth. This germinating process breaks down some of the starch, which makes the percentage of nutrients higher. It also breaks down phytate, a form of phytic acid that binds to minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron, making them harder to digest.

Effectively, sprouting increases B-Vitamins, Carotene, Vitamin C and mineral absorption in our bodies.

It is estimated that there are up to 100 times more beneficial enzymes in sprouts than in raw vegetables. The rapidly growing sprouts need these enzymes for their own growth and cellular health and this makes them beneficial for us to consume as well.

Sprouts are also great immunity boosters

Apart from these enzymes, Sprouts also contain antioxidants that support healthy cell regeneration and protect against free radical damage. For example, Broccoli sprouts contain sulforaphane (up to 100X more than an adult plant) which helps fight cancerous cell mutations. Alfalfa sprouts are a source of saponins, which help balance cholesterol and support the immune system.

So, are all sprouts good?

Firstly, not all seeds and nuts sprout. Some nuts, like pecans and walnuts do not sprout and are better to soak. Soaking is also a good way to reduce the harmful compounds in some nuts, beans and seeds that are hard to sprout.

Sprouts may also be susceptible to carrying bacteria that cause food borne illnesses. In some instances, they have even been connected to outbreaks of Salmonella and E. coli.
It is recommended to not eat raw sprouts without thoroughly washing them. Ideally sauté, steam, stir fry or cook them lightly anyway you like. Add lime and your favorite herbs or spices where needed, as they help bioavailability of some nutrients embedded in the sprouts.

Welcome yet another superstar into your diets.

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UAS Foundation Day 2020 – Chief Guest Address, Ashok Vasudevan

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Blog > UAS Foundation Day 2020 – Chief Guest Address, Ashok Vasudevan

UAS Foundation Day 2020 – Chief Guest Address, Ashok Vasudevan

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17 Nov 2020

UAS Foundation DayChief Guest Address, Ashok Vasudevan


Transcript UAS foundation 56th anniversary (Nov 17th, 2020)

Honorable Minister for Agriculture, Shri BC Patil. Honorable member of the Legislative Assembly Shri Krishnappa, Hon’ ex-Vice Chancellor, Dr Chengappa, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Dr Prasad, Senior Members of the Leadership on campus including Registrar Dr. Dhanapal, Deans Dr.Savithramma & Dr. Devakumar, Director of Research Dr.Shadakshari, distinguished faculty, researchers, dear students, ladies and gentlemen.

Ellargu nann namaskaara. Eradu divsa lateb aadru ellargu Deepavali shubhashegalu.

It is an absolute delight to be back on campus although only virtually. I’m very honored to have been invited as the Chief Guest for the UAS Foundation Day. For me, it’s a very big deal.

As the first batch to graduate from the GKVK campus, this is particularly thrilling to be back-though at the time we did not have this beautiful auditorium, which was subsequently built I believe during Dr Chengappa’s administration.

May I first congratulate all the awardees today – I know how hard all of you have worked to be recognised at this spectacular event. I can only remember my days at UAS where being an awardee at the Foundation Day was an ambition way beyond my grasp or my reach. It’s truly a privilege to be here with all of you.

I am an unlikely chief guest at this function. There have probably been a hundred occasions, maybe more, that I had wished that I was a more diligent student while I was on campus. The old campus in Hebbal had a beautiful library, an award-winning cafeteria, and was a bit closer to town. To me those held greater attractions than the classroom, even though we had some outstanding faculty. To call me a diligent student would be revisionist history or to use current terminology- fake news!

Despite that, here I am. I am reminded of President Bush who as a Yale alumni famously said at their graduation ceremony decades later. ”For those of you who got As, I say Congratulations. For those of you who got Cs- you too can become president! All I say to you today is regardless of your grades, you too can come back as a chief guest at the foundation day for UAS”!

Truly, my time at UAS were defining years of my life where I missed mentors who were in plain sight, when I was a rebel looking for a cause, and I had passion without purpose

So, I was looking back to those times as I pondered my message to you today. It’s simple really and lies in the transformative experience UAS offers us.

The pedagogy & the syllabus at UAS in one word is “awesome”. Unlike many undergrad courses, it is neither shallow nor diffused. It is as deep in its approach as it is wide. So beyond agronomy, crop physiology, plant breeding, pathology and seed production, the syllabus includes dairy science, farm power and machinery, animal husbandry, experimental techniques, statistics and agricultural economics So it doesn’t just teach us a particular course. It teaches us how to learn, almost anything.

This multi-disciplinary approach also encourages critical thinking. It’s not about finding answers to other people’s questions. It’s about asking your own questions. I like to say “ You can google answers, you can’t google for questions. At least, not yet!

I believe this critical thinking allows us to look at output, outcome and impact differentially.

So let me spend the next 20 minutes looking back, looking around and looking ahead. Looking back at the Green Revolution, looking around at the unfolding food revolution and looking ahead at the Future of agriculture and our role and indeed responsibility in creating that future.

We all know, agriculture, like life is back breaking work. Ee vyavasaaya aarambha araam alla!!

Let me start with the Green Revolution

I entered UAS just a few years after India had launched the Green revolution. Norman Borlaug & MS Swaminathan were already amazing heroes in our lives. The Green Revolution they pioneered was nothing short of global miracle.

It was bold, far reaching and deeply transformative. It was indeed improbable. Yet we know what happened.

So much has changed since then. We warded off famine, not just in India but in many other developing countries in the world. We had not one but three revolutions. The Green Revolution saw our food production grew, from less than 14 million tonnes to almost 300 million tonnes today. The White Revolution saw the dairy production go up from merely 20 million tonnes when I was on campus to over 190 million tons today, making India the largest dairy producer in the world. And the less talked about Rainbow revolution saw Fruits and Vegetables skyrocket from under 35 million tonnes to the world’s largest producer at over 240 million tonnes.

For some of us, we saw prosperity beyond our wildest dreams, directly as a result of this and our launchpad was significantly higher than any our parents could have dreamt of. After UAS I went to business school, I was struck by the fact that my first starting salary was greater than my father’s last drawn salary as a government officer. Yes, so much has changed.

But let’s just talk to a farmer in Shimoga, Kolar, Raichur, and we know so much has not changed. Prosperous is not the word you will use to describe him and his family. That’s the flip side of the Green Revolution.

These 50 years has seen his yield increase but his wealth stagnate. The soil that was fertile for thousands of years is now reaching toxic levels. The river and canal waters that irrigated his fields, now are a source of pollutants if they are a source at all. The synthetic fertilisers and pesticides that we used as our sarva roga nivaarane has polluted the aquifer below, our agri-biodiversity has plummeted. FAO reports 90% of crops have disappeared in the world since the Green revolution. For instance in India almost 100,000 rice varieties alone were grown. Now we have a few dozen. It’s the same story for millets, pseudo grains, lentils, and vegetables. Most of the cultivars have disappeared forever.

We have fewer insects that pollinate, and greater insects that destroy, and of course yes we have greater number of insecticides. Contact pesticides have become systemic, organophosphates have become synthetic pyrethroids. Farmers and their families have become sick, and Indian farmer suicide rates have become a topic of debate internationally. We have sophisticated technologies at our fingertips; we can predict the weather but rainfalls across the farms of India have dropped. We can predict pest attacks, but we cannot prevent them. We can predict drought but cannot avoid them. We can even predict the price of onions but cannot control them. And of course we can predict the poverty of farmers and can do little to reverse it.

A lot may have changed for many of us. Clearly, the farmer’s lot has not. So which report card do we look at? The glitzy, modern, software superpower in the making? Or a country whose farmers are a long way from seeing prosperity.

A healthy farmer is the only harbinger for a healthy nation. The ancient texts had it right when they said – Anna dhaata sukhi bhava. In our new company C-SAW ( Center for the Spread of Affordable Wellness) today we say it differently. “Pay the farmer, not the pharmacy”.

As a culture, our understanding of food in India is deep, and the whole science of Ayurveda included a detailed description of what to eat, who should eat what, and what benefits one might expect from the specific foods that we put into our body. Amazingly, the Rudram Chamakam, composed thousands of years ago in Chapter 4 in its entirety describes the powers of grains, lentils and the oilseeds that nourish our body and manifest themselves as an abounding force within us.

vibhu ca me prabhu ca me bahu ca me bhüyaçca me
The grant of the gift of nutritional abundance of all varieties of cereals, millets and corn

Vrée hayaa×çca meÞ yaavä÷çca meÞ mäshhä÷çca meÞ tilä÷çca me
paddy, barley, black gram and sesames.

It goes on & on and includes oilseeds, lentils, grains, honey, and even barnyard millet.

And chapter 5 makes a commitment that we will protect the environment including the mountains, the trees, the seas and the rivers, that help grow these grains that in turn feed us.

So much for our past. Instead of just the green revolution, I went back 4000 years!

Now let’s come back to today and talk about the Food Revolution

Let me take you to another world, 10,000 miles away to America, where I spent a big part of my life. The consequences of the green revolution were felt there too, where traditional farmers were decimated. Turn of last century, 40% of America lived in farms. Today less than 1% does. Farm size tripled while number of farmers reduced by 300% in the same period. That increase in farm size reflects both farm mechanization and corporatization.

These advances in Agri science did prevent mass scale famine around the world. But it turns out that price tag was heavy. We reduced crop diversity, increased use of chemicals, genetically modified foods and subsidized agriculture for political gain or fear of social unrest.

The consequence of this took a long time to be felt in the homes of consumers.

In the early 90s when Meera, my wife, and I were starting our food business in the US, we saw country overrun by large food companies that had used food science to enhance texture, color, shelf life, taste, sweetness, and also reduce costs. For most companies, they were pleased at the outcome – their revenues grew, food inflation was low, and consumer preferences for prepared and convenience foods exploded. But truth be told, the food industry was unwittingly supplying consumers to the healthcare industry. And today, 70% of the foods sold in US Supermarkets are Genetically Modified Foods.

The US is now in the middle of an epidemic – and not just COVID – but of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.

Today, 70% of America is either obese or overweight. 1 in 10 Americans have diabetes. And 1 out of every 4 deaths is due to cardiovascular disease. Let me put that into perspective for you: every 36 seconds, somebody in America dies of heart disease. It’s easy to blame our genes, but we know the truth. It’s because of our diet and that has been influenced by the food industry. Truth be told, these could have been predicted.

The consequences of the green revolution on the one hand, and the food revolution on the other, has taken its toll on the environment too.

Very simply, we have plundered the surface of the earth, the air above and the crust below. Every year on an average we deforest 70 million acres globally. That’s about the size of Karnataka! We emitted a record 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide last year. That’s almost 20 times the weight of all the cars on the road globally. We drill relentlessly and oil production alone at 100 million barrels / day is 5 billion tons annually. That is more than double the quantity of food grains we produce every year!

The consequences of these are plentiful. Let me name just a few: pandemics by releasing viruses & bacteria that belong inside forests, extinction of thousands of species annually upsetting our ecosystem, conversion of agricultural land for animal feeds, increasing hunger & malnourishment and endangering public health. Did you know 77 percent of agriculture land is used for livestock, either for grazing to grow animal feed. Yet this gigantic portion only supplies 17 percent of global calories and 1/3rd the global protein. A staggering 40% of all grains produced worldwide is used to feed animals, not humans.

The best of intentions can clearly have unintended consequences, which one might argue could have been foreseen. The Green Revolution solved hunger, but kept the farmer poor and the globe warmer. Food science, which in the same period as the Green Revolution, made startling progress, prevented food inflation, improved corporate profits, but affected public health and added to an increased carbon footprint.

So now we come to an interesting fork in the road. Where do we go from here?

Lessons from the Green Revolution, the Food revolution and climate change, will allow us to predict a future of doom or can galvanize us to create a new future.

Imagine a world where farmers truly prosper, consumers eat healthy, and food companies transform. That’s the world I’d like us to dedicate ourself to and invite you all to join this journey. A beginning has already been made.

Let me start with climate change. The Paris Accord, notwithstanding President Trump’s recalcitrance, is a promising beginning. The emergence of electric vehicles, the increasing biodiversity in consumers’ eating habits, the major backlash against deforestation, the recycling frenzy, are all green shoots in reversing climate change. It is not enough for businesses to follow sustainable practices only when they make business sense.

It is our social responsibility to make business sense out of sustainable practices.

Now let me move to the food industry where the US became a crucible for megatrends in the early 1990s that spread globally. Three of them in particular. Natural Foods, Convenience Foods and multi-ethnic speciality foods. These three megatrends are shaping our future, our wellness and the wellbeing of our planet.

The first is natural & organic foods. Consumers are increasingly conscious of what they eat and wary of chemicals in food.

The second megatrend is convenience foods. Nuclear families, women in the workforce, distractions, multitasking and less time at home has led to explosive growth in convenience foods.

The third is multi-ethnic specialty foods. The changing demographics worldwide, increased mobility and the emergence of global food brands is taking the traditional palate on a world cruise.

That’s how our company Tasty Bite was born- at the convergence of this venn diagram of natural, convenient and specialty foods.

The food industry today needs to realise that it holds the wellness of consumers in the palms of our hands. We are what we eat. Our health, our wellness, our emotions, our choice of friends, even who we invite home for dinner, are all driven by the choices we make on our foods. It is no longer enough for food companies to ask what is my share of market, share of wallet, share of mind, share of stomach or even share of daily calories. The real question brands must ask is “what is my share of consumer wellness”. It is time for the food industry to take accountability for the wellbeing of the planet and of the consumer.

I am persuaded that food science has evolved since the ‘70s and we no longer need to rely on Codex, on chemicals, on artificial colors, to deliver on texture or great tasting food.

Science is not just a tool for reducing costs and increasing profits, but also an option for improving our wellbeing. Which now brings me to the third part, which is the future of agriculture.

I am particularly pleased that an amazing initiative has just been started in the world, of which we are a part of, called the Periodic Table Of Food Initiative. PTFI. It is important for us to go past the simple macronutrients in foods – the carbohydrates proteins and fats, and some obvious micronutrients like vitamins and minerals – to be the only basis of defining the nutritive value of foods. Need to dig deeper. Way deeper.

PTFI is a global effort, currently funded by the Rockefeller foundation, to create a public database of the biochemical composition and function of the food we eat using mass spectrometry, artificial intelligence and bioinformatics.

This is pioneering work and I’m pleased to see our Hon’ Vice Chancellor, Dr Prasad, the director of research and several eminent faculty and researchers at UAS with the ever-guiding hand of our ex-vice chancellor Dr Chengappa, lending their support to what will be years of seminal discovery, that will lead to a heightened awareness around the world that indeed “We are what we eat”.

The convergence of information technology, genetic research and initiatives such as PTFI, will not only enhance consumer wellness, but provide a new hope that farmers can indeed prosper. Let me paint this picture more fully.

For some strange reason, the Silicon Valley boom, the last 30 years, that literally changed the lives of billions entirely bypassed agriculture until now. That has now begun to change and I think we are seeing the catapulting of the industry from Agri 2.0 the Green Revolution to Agri 4.0. that some have called the evergreen revolution. This is taking many forms. Here are a few:

1. There is a concerted, even if some might say clumsy, effort to bring farmers closer to consumers with enabling technologies. The APMC bill and the ECA in India are two such examples. There is an increasing realisation by governments of the need to hand back the power to the farmer by disintermediating the middleman. China is a sterling example of the success of this measure. Consumers can now buy straight from the farmer on their e-commerce platforms. A next generation supply chain ensures delivery within hours. Farmers make more money, consumers eat freshly harvested produce.

2. After ignoring Agriculture these last 30 years, Silicon Valley has finally arrived in the farm. Artificial Intelligence, the internet of things, drone and fintech entrepreneurs have come up with imaginative ways to provide better intelligence to the farmer. This is not just to enhance yield, but to increase revenues to farmers by better market information.

3. Precision agriculture like hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical farming, will provide new opportunities for famers to come together to fully benefit from the potential that these new technologies offer. Yields are increasing 70-100 times open field agriculture in specific crops and they use no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The future will clearly lies not just with the progressive farmer, but with the progressive entrepreneur. As Dr.Chengappa likes to say “The Farm is a firm first”

It’s another way of saying that you, the students gathered here today have an amazing future ahead of each of you. Much more so than any generation of agriculture graduates in history. What is open to you is not mere academia, or jobs in plantations or traditional corporations. But what has now opened is an incredible opportunity to participate in the creation of a new tomorrow.

Imagine a world, imagine a future and spend your life in making that world and that future come true. Allow yourself to believe that you are not only a product of your village, taluka, district, state or even country. It may be hard for you to believe, but many of you will not remain in Karnataka. You will be in far flung parts of the country. Many of you will move overseas – in fact, the US agriculture university landscape have literally hundreds of UAS alumni who are famous scientists, researchers and even bureaucrats.

You will not merely be in your chosen field of specialisation or electives, but you will reach for expertise in disciplines far flung from what you are familiar with today, merely because you can.

Even as we embrace science, let’s ever be watchful about not what the possibilities are, but about what our responsibilities are. GMO comes to mind. Yes we have the power to genetically modify an organism. Yes we have the ability to put a gene from a bacteria into Oryza Sativa, and call it Golden Rice, and claim that it can prevent blindness in children. Beware of false claims, irresponsible research, and let you conscience and your knowledge be your guide.

I’m going to leave you with 5 takeaways.

1. Think big. Think global. Believe that you can solve big problems in society. The power of what is possible, even if improbable is HUGE. You will be surprised that the amount of personal effort it takes to build big, dream big is the same as building small, thinking small. Time is finite. Output & outcome need not be.

2. Don’t turn back at the first hurdle, with the first failure. If you don’t see darkness, you probably won’t appreciate the light. If you don’t face injustice you will forget being just yourself. If you don’t face discrimination, you or your ideas are probably not important or different enough. A little restlessness without being unhappy will keep you energized.

3. Believe in your ability to make a difference. Notwithstanding your grades, or what your friends and family might think of- as your limitations. Be aware of them, but do not be shackled by them. All of us are essentially very ordinary. It is what we do that makes us extraordinary.

4. Become a collector of mentors. They could be members of your family, your teachers, your bosses, even your friends. Don’t worry about impressing these people. Instead, learn to be impressed. Don’t burden yourself to inspire others. Be inspired instead. The ability to allow mentors into your lives, yet hold deep personal convictions will give you wind beneath your wings

5. Finally, remember the difference between prayer and meditation. Sometimes in prayer you are reduced to merely asking. You’ve got your hand out. In meditation, you commit to who you are and what you will do. You don’t have your hand out. You have your hand on your heart. So even as you pray, meditate. You will be amazed at the power that your own commitment will unleash.

Think about this. Would you rather be employed or be an employer? Would you rather have a job or create jobs? Would you rather draw a salary or create wealth? Would you rather demand the right to live in a future which you cannot predict, or would you rather predict and create the future of your dreams? At any rate, which is more fun?

It may be difficult sitting here in GKVK campus to imagine a world thousands of miles away, a time years and perhaps decades away, and friends from other genders, races and countries. Each of these will define who you become. It maybe difficult for you to imagine you as the hero and the heroine in a story that you think you didn’t belong in. But I am perhaps looking at that heroine, that hero. I’m looking at you. As I like to say, if you look where I am looking, you will see what I am seeing. I’m seeing a beautiful future and changemakers all around me today in this auspicious Foundation day.

You have lots of work to do, so good bye and good luck.
May you live your dreams
Jeevan badrani pashyanti

Thank you

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Protein back-to-basics

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Blog > Protein back-to-basics

Protein back-to-basics

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Protein Back-To-Basics

Proteins have become synonymous in our consciousness with meat, strength and muscle. When we say the word “Protein” in America, we don’t mean a chemical, macronutrient let alone an amino acid. We instantly mean meat. Consumption in some societies is way in excess of what our body needs and we may now run the risk of protein toxicity. The 2018 documentary Gamechangers valiantly tried to blow this myth and even showed veganism not just a contributor to wellness but also to incredible human endurance, strength and vitality.

Yes, protein is a critical macronutrient our body needs along with carbohydrates, fats and fiber and we only get them from the foods we eat.

So how much protein do we need?

1. Take our body weight in kilograms and multiply by 0.8. That’s the number of grams of protein we need daily. As a thumb rule that’s about 50 grams of protein per day.

2. Each gram of protein has 4 calories. So, 50 grams of proteins delivers 200 calories. That is 10% of a 2000 calorie daily diet. Calories from protein should make up 10%-20% of daily calories. Ideally, no more, no less.

Soyabeans: your one-stop protein source, in many delicious forms

Soyabeans are, quite simply, the highest source of plant protein. Just half a cup of provides 34g or 68% daily value protein. They also contain unique proteins called ‘peptides’ that improve blood pressure, control sugar and improve immune function. Studies also reveal that soy protein reduces cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides. Enjoy this superfood in many delicious forms – whole steamed beans, fermented tempeh or tofu, soy milk or flour.

Smoothies: delicious protein & nutrients to start your day right

For more protein variety in your smoothies, consider going beyond milk or yogurt and use silken tofu. Its smooth texture & neutral taste combines well with any fruits, veggies and nuts. What’s more, just quarter cup tofu provides around 10% daily value protein. Silken tofu blends best, but place in a blender first and give it one churn before adding other ingredients. Deliciously healthy!

Sprouts: high protein source that’s also more bioavailable

When seeds begin to sprout, their enzymes are rapidly converting nutrients into easily available forms for the growing plant. Including protein, the ‘growth nutrient’. So when we eat sprouted beans, we actually get a high load of protein in an easily digestible form, making it more ‘bioavailable’. A ¼ cup sprouted chickpeas contains 9g protein compared with 4g in the same serving of unsprouted cooked chickpeas.

Your cheat sheet on protein portions

For a 60kg adult, the daily recommended intake is about 50g of protein – what does that actually look like? Here’s a quick way to visualise 25g of protein (half daily intake):

– 1 cup of plain or Greek yogurt or cooked lentil
– 1½ cup tofu or cooked black beans
– 2 slices wholemeal bread spread thickly with peanut butter
– 4 cups of soy milk
– 4 heaped tbsp of roasted peanut

Don’t forget that protein is present in most foods like brown rice and broccoli. Here’s an ideafor a day’s worth of protein on a plate:

Breakfast: ½ cup yogurt with mixed fruit and 12 pieces of almond (15g protein)
Lunch: 1 cup pasta with pesto sauce with ½ cup chickpeas (15g protein)
Dinner: 2 cup lentil soup with 1 whole wheat roll and a arugula salad (19g protein)

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Ancient grains making a comeback

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Blog > Ancient grains making a comeback

Ancient grains making a comeback

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Ancient grains making a comeback
Modern wheat is a relatively recent crop, a hybrid descendant of ancient grains like spelt, einkorn, and emmer. However, with increasing interest in home baking and growing awareness about gluten-sensitivity, ancient grains have begun to re-emerge in our dietary landscape.

It’s not a technical term but simply refers to cereals (like kamut, bulgur), millets (foxtail, kodo millet) and pseudo grains (teff, kaniwa) that have been part of ancient culture for millennia and have not seen much scientific intervention – no genetic modification, hybridization or excessive use of synthetic fertilizers and chemicals. Apart from being “more natural”, these ancient grains also have higher levels of nutrients and minerals.

Ancient grains are now increasingly available in grocery stores, and cookery books and shows are also showcasing ways to cook and incorporate these wonderful grains in modern diets. Take a break from highly modified wheats and explore the amazing world of these purer grains that truly embody ‘ancient wisdom’.

Kaniwa: Gluten free, Vitamin Rich Leaf & Grain

Say hello to Kaniwa (or Cañihua), a pseudo grain that looks and sounds like Quinoa. Both contain all 9 essential amino acids. It’s origins are in the Andes in S. America, and has been a staple for centuries. It can be cooked and used in recipes where you use wholegrains like quinoa. A ¼ cup uncooked Kaniwa provides a whopping 7g protein (14% DV) and 3g dietary fiber (12% DV).

Spelt: the 5000 BC Mesopotamian grain with terrific health values

A close member of the wheat family, Spelt is still consumed in Germany and Switzerland as ‘dinkelbrot’ bread. Mostly used as flour or as a steamed whole grain in salads, stews, and other dishes. A 100 gms of cooked spelt provides 15% DV fiber, 12% protein, 12% magnesium, 9% iron and 11% zinc. It’s very beneficial for heart health, diabetes, blood pressure, aids regularity and maintains gut health.

Farro: wholegrain from ancient Egypt, called “Pharaoh’s Wheat”

This ancient version of wheat has 3 strains, the most common of which is Emmer, consumed today in Europe. It’s a nutritious grain – a half cup of cooked Farro provides 4 g protein and 3.5 g fiber, almost double that of brown rice. Also packed with essential minerals and cyanogenic glucosides that help lower cholesterol, pressure and sugar, and boost immunity. The Pharaohs knew all this back then!

Teff: an ancient Ethiopian grain that’s packed with nutrition

Teff is a drought-resistant staple food crop of Ethiopia, dating back to the Abyssinian civilisation. It’s gluten-free and a good substitute for wheat or rice, and can be eaten as a cooked whole grain or ground into flour. A ¾ cup cooked teff provides 6.5g protein, 4g fibre & 21% daily value iron. It’s low GI, so it helps regulate blood sugar and its high fibre content regulates digestion.

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The microgreen revolution

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Blog > The microgreen revolution

The microgreen revolution

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The microgreen revolution
Microgreens are the seedlings of plants, This is typically early in the life cycle of the plant, some time after the first leaves emerge. They are usually used to add flavour and color to dishes, and have been making waves as a nutrient-dense superfood.

Microgreens can be grown from most types of seeds. Apart from salad greens, leafy vegetables and edible flowers, some legumes (beans, lentils) and grains (rice, barley, buckwheat) are sometimes grown as microgreens.

Today, let’s explore more about these superfoods.

Microgreens: nutrition packed, good for cognitive health

Did you know those little microgreens have up to 40 times the antioxidants and polyphenols of the mature plant? They are truly nutrition dynamos. Antioxidants and polyphenols are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds, and can help lower the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Microgreens also provide more intense flavor, which is terrific for seniors with reduced taste sensitivity – they get the rich taste and strengthen cognitive health.

Microgreens: big punch of flavor & health

Microgreens can add an intense punch of flavor to your dishes – sweet, sour, pungent, bitter. They actually embody a concentrated dose of the full-sized vegetable’s flavor and nutrition. Microgreens are rich in many vitamins and minerals. Some healthy varieties for you to grow or buy are pea shoots, radish, sunflower, wheatgrass, mustard, etc. Add them to your salads or main dishes or even to a juice or smoothie.

Safe consumption of microgreens

Eating microgreens is generally considered safe. While there is contamination risk from E. coli, this risk arises from a mixture of the type/composition of the microgreen, and time spent in storage. To enjoy, always check the sell-by date and consume within the week from purchase.

Incorporating microgreens in your day

There are many ways to include microgreens in your diet – juices and smoothies are popular examples. Given their vibrant colors and distinct taste profiles, microgreens work especially well as a garnish over food, beverages and desserts! Growing them at home is simple – you just need a sunny windowsill, seeds, a shallow pot and some potting mix.

Mustard microgreens: fun way to ‘green’ your dry spices

Place a pot with soil on a sunny windowsill, outdoors or balcony with ample sun. Moisten soil well, scatter a handful of mustard seeds, gently pressing into soil. Check soil for moistness daily and water lightly as needed. When you see a pot full of tiny leaves, harvest by pulling gently out with the roots. Rinse off soil & add to salads, sandwiches, garnish a stir fry.

Little broccoli wonders: supercharge your body with antioxidants

The broccoli microgreen looks completely different from the adult plant we are used to, and tastes vastly different! Some time between the first 10-14 days, the plant peaks in its production of sulforaphane, sometimes up to 100x the concentration of the mature plant. Sulforaphane is nature’s most potent activator of antioxidants and has been shown to inhibit tumour growth.

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Antioxidants: Cupid to the rescue of love-lost free radicals

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Blog > Antioxidants: Cupid to the rescue of love-lost free radicals

Antioxidants: Cupid to the rescue of love-lost free radicals

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Antioxidants: Cupid to the rescue of love-lost free radicals
Antioxidants in foods are not just desirable but critical to our very survival. But what are they? To understand antioxidants we need to learn another term: “free radical”. When we eat or when we are exposed to cigarette smoke, pollution, or radiation our body produces oxidative stress. This stress causes the 2 electrons in Oxygen to split and they get “free”. This electron hates being alone and travels through our bodies looking for a partner and in the process triggers damage to our cells, tissues and organs and creates chronic inflammation.

Enter the savior, the knight in shining armor, the antioxidant. These are healthy compounds in some foods including some wholegrains, lentils, nuts, fruits and vegetables. And like a Cupid, they shoot an electron to the free radical and pair them again. Happy ending!

Examples of antioxidants include Vitamin C & E, Selenium, Lycopene, Beta carotene, a group of plant pigments called Flavonoids, the mineral Copper etc. Let’s examine some antioxidant rich foods today and help the free radicals in our body “hook up”!

Inflammation: warning signals of low levels of antioxidants in your diet

Antioxidants are compounds that, like the name, inhibit or delay oxidative stress of cells. Oxidation not only ages or destroys cells but also causes lipid, protein and DNA alteration which in turn leads to chronic diseases. Inflammation is the key factor driving diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, eye disorders, arthritis, obesity, autoimmune diseases, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Borrowing from nature: the power of Anthocyanins in fruits & vegetables

Produced by plants to protect against stresses like UV light and extreme temperatures, anthocyanin is estimated to have 50 times the antioxidant activity of well-known vitamins. The compound has been widely studied for its effectiveness in reducing free radical damage, and its protection of ?-cells that maintain blood glucose levels. Common foods high in anthocyanins include grapes (and red wine too), apples, turnips, red cabbage and eggplant.

Beans and lentils: not just protein sources, but also antioxidant champions

Legumes are great for cell health, as they contain phenolic compounds that destroy free radicals, inhibit cell oxidation, reducing systemic inflammations. Interestingly, a study done by University of Guelph in Canada revealed that while all beans and lentils are good antioxidants, darker beans like black, pinto, kidney, navy, have more antioxidant activity, gram for gram, than the other beans, due to the flavonoids or pigments in their outer layer.

Wholegrains: deliver fiber, but also a hearty dose of antioxidants

We tend to associate vegetables & fruits with beneficial antioxidants. However, a Cornell study revealed that wholegrains contain antioxidants equal to or exceeding those in veggies and fruits. For example, they found corn has almost twice the antioxidative activities of apples, while wheat and oats equal broccoli and spinach. But it’s important to avoid refined grains, because wholegrains are the ones containing lignans, ferulic acid, sulfur, which protect cells from oxidation.

Walnuts are antioxidant powerhouses

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a precursor for messaging molecules called prostaglandins that regulate inflammatory responses in our body. The fatty acids are highly susceptible to oxidation – in turn, the plant produces a variety of phenolic acids, tannins and flavonoids that protect against this oxidation. We can enjoy this same benefit with a daily serving (just about 7 whole walnuts). Be sure to include the brown walnut skins – the slight bitterness is due to its rich phenol content!

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Essential Minerals in our Food

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Blog > Essential Minerals in our Food

Essential Minerals in our Food

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Essential minerals in or food
 The human body is an amazing machine with millions of biochemical reactions taking place whether we are awake or sleeping. Today we will focus on minerals and trace elements.

Minerals and trace elements are chemicals required for our body’s biochemical processes. Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium are some examples of minerals that our body cannot make and is only available through food. Trace elements include Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Selenium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Cobalt and Iodine. The reason they are known as trace elements is because the amount required by our body is extremely small. 

These minerals come together for critical daily functions: Zinc, Iodine, Copper and Cobalt are important for protein and bone formation while Molybdenum and Selenium helps to prevent toxins and free radicals from building up in our body. Manganese is vital for the metabolism of protein and carbohydrate while Chromium helps insulin to regulate blood sugar

Today, let’s examine foods rich in minerals and trace elements. As always, pay the farmer, not the pharmacy!

Nuts: not just an omega-3 source, also high on essential minerals

Most of the commonly-eaten nuts provide magnesium in good quantities, and in addition, almonds, peanuts & pistachios are high in potassium, walnuts in phosphorus, brazil nuts in selenium, the list goes on. So it’s best to eat a combination of nuts daily, to get in all the minerals you need. Interestingly, roasting nuts doesn’t diminish minerals, so no worries there. But roast dry to be healthier, avoid the oil & salt.

Legumes : good source of the key minerals

The legume family – beans and lentils – provide more than fiber and protein. They’re also a good source of important minerals like iron, manganese, potassium, folates, zinc and more. To get a greater range of minerals, include a variety of beans & lentils in your diet. Beans contain phytic acids that inhibit full mineral absorption by the body, so soak overnight and discard the soaking water, as that eliminates the acids.

Leafy vegetables are a rich source of potassium

Potassium is a crucial mineral that regulates the fluid balance in cells, keeps muscle and nerves healthy, reduces blood pressure and the risk of strokes or heart attacks and cleanses the kidneys. Leafy green vegetables like Swiss Chard, Spinach, Bok Choy and Brussels Sprouts are excellent sources of potassium. Try steaming them without too much water, so you keep the nutrients more intact and bioavailable. 

Whole grains deliver more than just carbohydrates

We tend to forget that the bran and germ in wholegrains also deliver beneficial minerals. Popcorn is one example which contains a high amount of magnesium and fiber. Magnesium is like the unsung hero of the movie – it doesn’t get the same attention as other minerals but is involved in more than 300 biochemical reactions in our body. Magnesium also encourages secretion of parathyroid hormones that are essential for calcium absorption, leading to strong bone health.

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Food Feature: Bamboo Shoots

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Blog > Food Feature: Bamboo Shoots

Food Feature: Bamboo Shoots

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Food Feature: Bamboo Shoots


We often think of pandas as gentle giants, but did you know that they actually consume as much protein as most other carnivorous animals? Young bamboo shoots can comprise nearly 30% protein, and play an important role in the panda’s diet! These herbivores are definitely onto something!

At around the 2nd week, new bamboo canes (or the bamboo shoots) are harvested as food. These are crisp, tender stalks that have a similar crunch to asparagus, and a sweetness similar to corn. While the bamboo tree is a perennial crop, bamboo shoots tend to be harvested during the winter and spring seasons.

Bamboo shoots are a popular cooking ingredient in South-East Asia and can be cooked in many different ways, boiled, sauteed, braised, slow-cooked with other vegetables or even stir-fried! Make sure to boil it thoroughly first as the raw shoots contain a fatal toxin called hydrocyanic acid.

A short history of bamboo

The bamboo plant has a long storied history in Chinese civilisation, prized for its use as a building material and for its delicious shoots. Originating in Southern China, bamboo tree cultivation gradually spread across South America and Africa. Evidence of bamboo shoots being eaten as food can be found in ancient Chinese literature dating back to the Tang dynasty (7th century AD) which talked about the benefits of these little shoots. As bamboo thrives in the tropical and subtropical climates, its cultivation has remained largely concentrated in East and South East Asia. However, you might just be able to find canned bamboo shoots near you! If you have the luxury of finding raw bamboo shoots, preparation is simple; make an incision to expose the soft flesh, cover with water and simmer for 30 mins. Soak in cold water to remove any excess bitterness.

Bamboo Shoots: Nutrition packed with a crunch!

Bamboo shoots are not only tasty but they are also packed full with nutrients! A one cup serving of cooked shoots gives 18% daily value of potassium, 17% of fiber and 7% of protein. Bamboo shoots also possess unique lignans and phenolic compounds that have potential for anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. All this at a mere 14 calories!

Bamboo and its use in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The use of bamboo shoots in traditional medicine was first recorded in pharmaceutical texts during the Ming Dynasty (14th-17th century). The four main parts of bamboo that are used include the bamboo shavings, dried sap, liquid sap and leaves. These are characterised as having a ‘cooling’ effect in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and are used to treat ailments ranging from acute fevers to phlegm, asthma, even eczema. Scientists are also studying the extracts of bamboo leaves for promising antioxidant effect on diabetes and cancer.

Good food that’s also great for the environment

Apart from its rich nutrition, there are many reasons why this versatile superfood is ready to take the world by storm! As a tree crop, bamboo grows quickly, sometimes hitting spurts of 1m in a day. The bamboo tree itself also absorbs carbon dioxide and produces 30% more oxygen than an equivalent mass of trees. With the tensile strength of steel, this is one of nature’s own building material! There are countless other uses for bamboo; in furniture, as cooling fibers for clothing, musical instruments, a natural deodorizer, for paper, even bamboo beer!

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