UMA Global Foods


A database for the botanically curious

Moringa (drumstick) and the story of Kuli Kuli

This goal of this newsletter has always been to empower people to eat right for their wellness; to “pay the farmer not the pharmacy” as we say. From time to time, we also want to feature how game-changing entrepreneurs are rewriting the story of our relat

Healing food systems known for centuries

The Incas, Mayans, ancient Chinese, Indians, Mediterraneans had long ago figured out that “we are what we eat”, and correspondingly built up a staggering knowledge of plants, nutrition and their impact on our wellness. In many ways scientists today…

South East Asia: Global influence and a distinct cuisine

S.E Asia’s 11 countries with 650 million people and $10 trillion in GDP is a rich confluence of cultures. Despite colonization by the British, French, Dutch and the Spanish; it is the Chinese and Indian heritage that runs deep in its art, culture, ethnici

Fruits & Vegetables: Eat the colors of the rainbow

While the rainbow may not be the technically accurate description, fruits & vegetables broadly fall into five color groups. Each color is a carrier of specific phytochemicals that perform some unique functions including cell development, immune support an

Herbs & Spices – Pint Sized Powerhouses

When we think of herbs and spices, one word that jumps out is versatility. Its colorful, fragrant, medicinal, umami and finds its way in flavored and infused waters and in your balconies as more than just ornamental plants. Dyes, foods, cosmetics, pharmac

The United Nations of S.E.Asian Cuisine

The bustling hawker centers, food carts and street stalls are a major source of the wafting aromas of South east Asian cuisine across the region. Deeply influenced by Chinese, Indian and Islamic culinary traditions, Malaysian food is both a melting pot an

Migraine: Awareness of triggers is half the battle won.

For those who suffer it, migraines are a painful, unexpected & debilitating condition. They are often genetic with no known cure. Common triggers are stress, lack of sleep, hormonal changes, alcohol, hunger etc. There is not enough evidence that some food

Allergy, Asthma And Nutrition

A very small dietary change can make a huge difference to the quality of our lives. Let’s pay the farmer, not the pharmacy. Pollen, pets, dust mites and foods are common triggers for skin allergies and/or asthmatic episodes. Sometimes a hyperactive immun