The tiny sesame seeds helps heart health and reduces inflammation
Sesamum indicum L.
This species is probably native to Africa, widely naturalized and cultivated throughout the tropics.
Within India, it is cultivated throughout the plains upto an altitude of 1200 m. It has also naturalized and is found along roadsides and wastelands.
Sesame seeds are one of the oldest condiment known to man, and it is a tiny oil-rich seed. It has a nutty taste and a delicate crunch to any sweet and spicy dishes it is put in.
When the seeds are mature the pod bursts open with a pop. Its paste is used as a peanut butter substitute. There are black and white varieties. Black seeds have a richer flavor and a stronger aroma.
Seeds of sesame are used in various forms like paste, oil, cakes, etc. it is also used to make sweets and chutneys.