UMA Global Foods


A database for the botanically curious

Vitamin K and its health benefits

Named after the German word ‘Koagulation’ (or coagulation), Vitamin K refers to a group of three basic types of vitamins; K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K1 is easily found in most plant foods, especially green vegetables, along with K3 which is found in most food

Vitamin D and its health benefits

Best known as the ‘sunshine’ vitamin, Vitamin D is important for bone health. This vitamin helps to increase our ability to absorb and retain calcium from our diets, contributing to stronger bones. Insufficient levels of Vitamin D has been shown to lead

Carbohydrates get a bad rap

“Carbs make you fat”. “Carbs are unhealthy”. “Too much carbs raise your blood sugar”. Carbs get a bad rap and oftentimes unfairly so. What’s the evidence behind these claims?