Mango protects against cancers and keeps skin clear
Aaam (Hindi), Manga (Sapnish), Manako (Hawaii)
Mango, also known as the “King of fruits”, belongs to the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae (cashew family). Mango is said to be originated in northeastern India and it has spread throughout Asia and the world.
Mangoes are perennial plants and reach up to 15-30 m in height. It is cultivated in the cold weather. Numerous varieties of Mango exist in the world, some of the popular varieties are Ah-Ping, Fairchild, Gouveia, Haden, Kensington Pride, Kopu Reva, Mapulehu, Momi-K, Pope, Rapoza.
India is the major producer of Mango in the world, followed by China, Thailand, Pakistan, and Mexico.
Mango is one of the most favored fruits around the world. It is used in both raw and ripe form.