UMA Global Foods


A database for the botanically curious

A Refresher on Protein Basics

Protein has become synonymous in our consciousness with meat, strength and muscle. In America, the term ‘Protein’ is typically used interchangeably with meats. In China, the translated words for protein actually refer to egg whites, recalling images of bo

Cruciferous Superheroes

While this newsletter focuses on holistic diets covering a range of plant-based food groups, we want to call out a superstar food group – the cruciferous vegetables! Native to temperate East Asia, these vegetables can be found around the world; Broccoli,

Gut Health: We are only as good as our gut

When we use the term Gut Health, we refer to the wellness of the entire digestive system aka the GI (gastrointestinal) tract that comprises several organs including the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small & large intestines and the rectum and organs like th

Tubers: Nature’s answer to affordable energy

When we think of tubers like potatoes, sweet potatoes, yam, cassava, Taro etc. their similarity to grains hardly strikes us, yet tubers and grains are the main source of inexpensive energy in the plant kingdom.

Mad for garlic

The best known member of the Allium family, garlic has enjoyed a storied history across civilisations. The Egyptian and Indian cultures referred to it some 5,000 years ago, the Babylonians grew it in their hanging gardens 4,500 years ago, the Chinese docu

Know your Fats!

Fat is an essential nutrient because it is the building block of all cell membranes, muscle movement and the protective shield around the nerves and helps us absorb vitamins in our food.

Maximising the goodness of fruit juices

There’s no doubt that fruits are essential for overall wellness, so wouldn’t it naturally mean that drinking them would be just as beneficial? And the anecdotal evidence of juice cleanses sounds compelling; glowing skin, weight loss, lowered inflammation,

Vitamin K and its health benefits

Named after the German word ‘Koagulation’ (or coagulation), Vitamin K refers to a group of three basic types of vitamins; K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K1 is easily found in most plant foods, especially green vegetables, along with K3 which is found in most food

Carbohydrates get a bad rap

“Carbs make you fat”. “Carbs are unhealthy”. “Too much carbs raise your blood sugar”. Carbs get a bad rap and oftentimes unfairly so. What’s the evidence behind these claims?